Instructions for processing and further information on Tadelakt



For each kilogram of Tadelakt powder, 0.3 litre of water is stirred in, left to stand for about 30 minutes and stirred thoroughly again. By hand or with an electric mixer. The best consistency for processing is achieved if the plaster is mixed one day before processing and has sufficient time to rest.


Up to 10% by weight of colour pigments can be mixed into the plaster. Ideally, a coloured dough should be mixed and stirred into the plaster after 3 hours. The coloured dough can also be prepared the day before. Here you can find instructions for mixing coloured dough.

Surface preparation

The substrates must be mineral, dust-free and free of dirt and loose particles. In case of highly absorbent substrates and warm, dry weather, pre-wetting with a spray bottle is important. However, when applying plaster for the first time, there should be no more water on the surface.


Tadelakt should always be applied in two layers. The first application of Tadelakt plaster is carried out with a Venetian trowel slightly above material thickness. To achieve a better bond to the second layer, the first plaster application is not smoothed. The second layer is also applied when the first layer has set; approx. 30 – 45 minutes standing time.

Trowel Smoothing

The applied layer is first smoothed with the Venetian trowel in such a way that there are no more filler burrs.

Stone polish and saponification

The stone polishing with the Tadelakt polishing stone can be started when the second layer has attracted. Polishing should be done under even pressure, in circular movements and with a large radius. Work with feeling and apply only moderate pressure. Use a lamp to create a grazing light scene and work towards the light. Small plastic spatulas or plastic ladles are also available for smoothing uneven or profiled passages. The saponification should take place at the earliest when the surface has already started to set, but at the latest the next day. For this purpose, Venetian soap is made relatively liquid with warm water and applied with a soft brush or sponge until saturation is reached. When some soap runs down the surface, these traces are removed with a sponge or finger. About one square meter of wall surface is soaped and immediately polished to a shine with the stone. During this polishing all pores and holes must be closed. If necessary, make up some plaster. This saponification brings the hydrophobicity (water-repellent). The combination of lime and soap produces the so-called lime soap. A 2nd soap application is made and the stone polish is repeated. This 2nd soap application can be done either on the same day or the next day; if the plaster does not allow it to dry, it is better to do it the next day; for this purpose it is advisable to cover the surface with a thin plastic film to retain some of the moisture and protect it from drying out.

Final polish

Let about a week pass before applying the wax. The carnauba wax emulsion is diluted with twice the amount of water and massaged in with a soft cloth. It should be avoided that the wax runs down the surface. Before the finished surface comes into contact with water, it must be left to stand for 3 weeks.


The durability of Tadelakt surfaces depends on the care taken by the craftsman in carrying out the work and, of course, on the wear and tear and care by the user.


Tadelakt can of course be used daily, as is the case in the Hamams in Morocco. However, a few things should be considered. The surface can be damaged with pointed and hard objects. Stepping on the surface with sturdy shoes, perhaps when cleaning or during the annual follow-up treatment, should be avoided at all costs.


Lime is soluble in acids. Therefore, no acidic agents may come into contact with the Tadelakt. Abrasive agents or hard sponges can damage the surface. For care, we recommend cleaning with diluted Venetian soap and a soft cloth at intervals of 1 – 2 months, depending on use. Ideally the surface should be wiped dry with a towel after showering. Once a year the polish is repeated with carnauba wax emulsion.


Add material residues to the building rubble.


Lime is irritating and must not get on the skin or in the eyes! Keep away from children!

Workshop Stucco Veneziano und Schablonentechnik

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