Instructions for using the effect trowel

Use of the effect trowel

Apply a layer of creative plaster to the dry plaster primer in grain thickness. It is best to use a Venetian smoothing trowel. This coat should dry for at least 12 hours before applying a new coat of creative plaster. After that, the effect trowel should be used to dab a structure into the damp plaster or to draw lines. Now let the surface attract and then compact with the Venetian smoothing trowel until a silky shine appears. After drying, apply with a Venetian trowel or sponge, coloured and/or transparent Punic wax. After a short flash-off time, the wax is polished with a microfibre cloth, a polishing machine with lambskin or similar. Punic wax with pearlescent pigments produces beautiful effects. This effect wax is available in gold, silver, copper or bronze.

Apply marble plaster
Marble plaster texturing
Smoothing marble plaster
Apply Punic Wax
Punic wax polishing
Marble plaster stone imitation

It’s just an example, of course there are no limits to creativity.

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