Artikel aktualisiert am 22.12.2022

Each colour is characterised by its very own character, its own brightness and the interplay with other colours. With them, moods and impressions can be achieved that would not be possible without colours. They give our home, our workplace and our surroundings an individual charm and bring new momentum. All the colours listed here can be used with Stucco Veneziano and all our other marble plasters. The exact details on the suitability and properties of the colour pigments offered are already described in another blog.

Each color is said to have certain meanings and effects, which we summarize here:


Meaning/symbolism: peace, trust, beauty, freshness, longing, infinity. Effect: Soothing, relaxing, lets you fall asleep well, reduces stress and hecticness.
Blue pigment powderUltramarine blueTurquoise aquamarine.


Meaning/symbolism: generosity, security, relaxation, harmony, hope, naturalness, serenity. Effect: Regenerative, harmonizing, promotes calm and balance, refreshing, stimulates the desire to travel.
Green pigment powderChrome oxide greenGreen earth from VeronaMay green


Meaning/symbolism: love, passion, will, activity, energy, warmth, joy. Effect: Exciting, invigorating, vitalizing and dynamic.
Red pigment powderIron oxide red lightRosso SartoriusEnglish red.


Meaning/symbolism: maturity, reason, knowledge, logic, warmth, success, happiness. Effect: Encouraging, strengthens nerves, promotes concentration, brings sun into the mind.
Yellow pigment powderOchre goldIron oxide yellowFrench ochre light yellowTerra di Siena nature.


Meaning/symbolism: naturalness, down-to-earthness, origin, reliability, closeness to the earth, harmony. Effect: Earth tones have a calming effect and give us warmth and security.
Brown pigment powder: Iron oxide brown mediumUmbra natureTerra di Siena brownishUmbra fired black brown.


Meaning/symbolism: optimism, joie de vivre, exuberance, self-confidence. Effect: radiates warmth, promotes conviviality, brightens the mood, builds up and enhances performance.
Orange pigment powderFrench ochre red-orangeFrench ochre havane orangeRosso Sartorius


Meaning/symbolism: mysticism, spiritual power, piety, inspiration, magic, unconsciousness. Effect: Balancing, regenerating, strengthens the meditation effect.
Violet pigment powder: colour mixture of Iron oxide red light and Ultramarine blue, Ultramarine Violet.


Meaning/symbolism: tenderness, romance, love, joy, positivity. Effect: Gentle, soft, calming.
Mix pink shades: White and Englishred.

White, grey and black are the ideal colours to combine. However, too much black and grey is often perceived as dark and heavy. I won’t go into the philosophizing whether white and black are colours here.


Meaning/symbolism: purity, perfection, light, clarity, cleanliness, innocence, modesty. Effect: Soothing, encouraging, peaceful, provides clarity.
White pigment powder: Titanium white


Meaning/symbolism: neutrality, sobriety, objectivity, simplicity, restraint. Effect: Humble, caring.
Grey pigment powder: Iron micaGraphite silver powder, Iron oxide black.


Meaning/symbolism: elegance, dignity, seriousness, prestige, modernity, objectivity, functionality, profession, career. Effect: Fascinating, strengthening, solemn, arouses curiosity.
Black pigment powder: Iron oxide blackGraphite silver powder.


They make the room low and the ceiling can be overwhelming. Small rooms look larger when light and cool colours are chosen. For example, light blue tones convey a feeling of expansiveness. The most important basic formula: No fear of mistakes. The unfinished can also have a particularly attractive effect.


Would you like to take a closer look at our range of colour pigments?

  • Chrome oxide green
  • Ochre red-orange
  • Iron oxide brown
  • Ochre gold
  • Umbra nature
  • Iron oxide red
  • Ultramarine blue
  • Ultramarine violet
  • Terra di Siena brownish
  • Iron mica
  • Umbra black-brown
  • French ochre havane
  • Iron oxide yellow
  • Rosso Sartorius
  • Graphite Silver Powder
  • Iron oxide black
  • Terra di Siena nature
  • Green Earth
  • Light yellow washed ochre
  • Englishred
  • Turquoise aquamarine
  • May green
  • Titanium white 
  • Atlantic blue

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